Saturday, June 30, 2012

X Games 18 Freestyle Update

Metal Mulisha Team

The teamed rolled into Los Angeles Staple Center ready to take on their upcoming events for this weekends X Games 18. Today kicked off with a huge autograph signing at the Ford booth followed by the first event for the Metal Mulisha, which was Moto X Freestyle. Rob Adelberg, Todd Potter, and alternate Wes Agee came in confident and ready to take home some medals to the Compound.

Ford Autograph Signing

Rob Adelberg

Rob and Potter both scored a secure spot into Freestyle, but it was a unfortunate day for Agee who had to kick back and stay an alternate. Agee is a secrete gun, and would of went out there and crushed it for the judges and fans.

Left: Julian Dusseau Middle: Wes Agee Right: Kenny Bell

Deegan, Julian, Faisst, Bell, Sincs, Hill, Link and always good to see Chris Ackerman made it down to support the M/M team and watch them battle it out for some medals.

Middle: Chris Ackerman Right: Jimmy Hillsack

Rob kicked off the Moto X Freestyle event and was straight-up killing it! He rolling off the first ramp cranking out a massive Christ Air, backing it up with a Sideshow to Side Saddle Lander, and a grip of more of his deadly tricks for all the fans. Talk about getting the Staple Center pumped on a first run! This secured him on the board for the top spot for quite some time.

X Games 18 Rob Adelberg Moto X Freestyle

Rob Adelberg Video Update - Click Here To Watch

Rob then backup up his second run unleashing one of the cleanest Indy to Heelclicker flips, a KOD flip, Cordova flip, Whip flip and another huge Christ Air which was the biggest one I have ever seen pulled off! This set Rob into 7th with a RUN 1: 86.00 RUN 2: 86.33 and BEST: 86.33. Nice work out there Rob, you killed it!

X Games 18 Rob Adelberg Moto X Freestyle

Potter is defiantly busy during X Games as he is competing in every moto event. Potter started off his first run with getting the fans pumped and trying to lock in some big tricks for some points.

X Games 18 Todd Potter Moto X Freestyle

He had the fans roaring during his second run pulling off his usual smooth style, big ass tricks, huge Cliffhanger flip, and put on a show Mulisha style. Todd finished in 9th scoring RUN 1: 77.33 RUN 2: 84.00 and BEST: 84.00.

X Games 18 Todd Potter Moto X Freestyle

Potter has plenty more on the table to make it on the podium so make sure to check him out tomorrow night for X Games Step Up and Best Whip. Make sure to scope out our X Games 18 Moto X Freestyle photo gallery and check back for more X Games 18 kick ass photos, and behind the scenes news.


Jim Pomeroy Ove Lundell Roger De Coster Andrea Bartolini

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