Thursday, July 19, 2012

Alex Gray // World Wide // 3:47

There’s all kinds of different ways to make it as a pro surfer. Contest guy, big wave guy, air guy, hipster guy, personality guy, photo guy (an endangered species), or any combination.

Alex Gray carved out his own niche and has danced to a different drum.

He’s a maniac in big waves but you wouldn’t pigeon-hole him as “big wave guy”. He host things like the Billabong XXL Awards but you wouldn’t mark him a “personality guy”. He can get photos doing airs, or surf a contest and make a run. However, as of late, he pretty much only concerns himself with flying to wherever the waves are epic and having a good time.

Alex is a “good waves guy”. The best kind of guy.

Here’s the first of a two-part edit highlighting the past year of Alex’s life.

Alex Gray


Håkan Carlquist Broc Glover Victor Arbekov John Banks

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